Sunday, December 17, 2017

How to Trust God in the Hard Times

Does it ever seem like you’re just not sure you can trust God? Have you ever asked Him: “Why aren’t you helping with this? Why didn’t you save her?”

Sometimes it seems that God just isn’t that interested in our lives. But it is especially important during times of distress to lean on the everlasting arms. The truth—though hard to see sometimes—is that we can trust God. The bible makes this abundantly clear through its narrative and in various encouraging verses. All the times God has answered your prayers also make it clear that you can trust Him.

From whence comes our help? It comes from the Lord (Psalms 121:2).  The entire 121st Psalm is filled with encouraging words and statements, all summed up like this: The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in, from this time forth and even forevermore.’

A hard truth all Christians must accept at some point in their journeys of faith, is that God’s will is going to be carried out, in some way or another, and His will is often contrary to our will. Sometimes God calls a servant home. Sometimes He sends suffering and illness and injury. At other times He seems silent and uninterested. But always He is with us, working His will and design, and always His design is for our good (1 Timothy 2:4).

Do you trust Him? Really think about this question. Ponder it, meditate on it. Are you trusting that God knows what He is doing in your life?

It is miraculously liberating to truly trust in the Lord our God. To know that (despite the heartaches and struggles you or your loved ones may be going through) God is on the throne and in control, is to trust Him and be at peace with your creator.

Colossians 3:15 says: ‘And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. Let the Word of Christ dwell richly in you in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.’
Oh what a beautiful guide to life! Oh what perfection, to trust the Lord and let His word guide you and keep you, and to live in harmony with others, teaching and rejoicing with them.

How do we do this? How do you trust the Lord when it seems as if He is not listening?

In a world where emphasis is placed on conformity, and where grumbling and complaining are popular media hobbies, it is very easy to fall victim to doubt. It is therefore vital to our faith that we turn to scripture for the answers. Romans 12:2 offers this guidance: ‘And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what it that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.’

This means we are to constantly refresh our knowledge of God’s word, to renew our minds, so that we become transformed from creatures of the flesh into servants of our heavenly Father, guided by the Spirit. This can all be accomplished by grace. We are called to think soberly, to not think too highly of ourselves.

When you spend your time seeking God’s will, instead of worrying and wondering why He isn’t performing your will, you will find yourself in line with God’s design, and His peace will settle on you—and that is a mighty victory.

‘I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge, my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust’ (Psalm 91:1).
So, the next time you happen to take a quarter out of your pocket and read those words IN GOD WE TRUST, take comfort in knowing that America is still a nation that trusts in God, and know that in trusting Him, you can find a peace that passes all understanding--and this will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  

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