The Unknown God

Over the years it has become clear that the God of the bible and the god about whom we are taught, are not one and the same. The god spoken of in the modern American church is a namby-pamby teddy bear god with good morals but no real power.

This is the god Thomas Jefferson worshipped as he created his Jefferson bible. An abomination, this personal work of our third president was created by removing everything supernatural from the New Testament. The reason I mention this is because the path Jefferson trod 200 years ago is the path the church is trying to steer us onto today.

False gods abound. Versions of the one true God flourish in this me-centric age. Hundreds of books have been written about God, the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, religion, and so on; the one thing they all have in common is their tendency to teach a personal view of God. WARNING! Do not bother with any of those books. They will not bring you to a closer understanding of God. They will not help you develop a deeper bond with your Creator.

The only book that can do this, the only work in the world with the authority to reveal our God is His Word.

Do not take any book as gospel. Do not take my blog as gospel. Take only the Word of God as gospel.

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