Monday, October 31, 2016

Why Would a Good God Send People to Hell?

Whenever someone asks you this question as a way to justify their rejection of God, you might reply by saying this: “You are asking the wrong question. You should be asking, ‘just how offensive is sin in God’s eyes that He would let people choose hell?’”
In an age where we are taught to walk on eggshells lest we offend anyone, it seems strange to me that no one is bothered by offending God. People are simply not afraid to offend God, which they do by disregarding His commands on a widespread daily basis, or by simply choosing not to retain Him in their knowledge.
We are careful not to speak against the various sinful lifestyles in the world which God clearly condemns in scripture, lest we be seen as intolerant. And yet the people who indulge in lifestyles contrary to God’s word display no discomfort at offending God while they blatantly snub their noses at Him. Indeed, they even try to justify their rejection of His design by saying ‘We are all made in God’s image, it’s really that simple.’ Sure, we are made in God’s image—but then we fall, and there is no one who does good, no, not one, (Romans 3:12).
In studying scripture it is blatantly clear why some souls end up in hell. The first three chapters in Romans are especially illuminating. Chapter 1:18-19 tells us that God reveals His wrath against all ungodliness and the unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in their unrighteousness, and that we are without excuse for our sins, seeing as God has provided sufficient evidence of His existence in the world. Verse 21 states: ‘Because although they knew God they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.’
The simple truth is that every day, ordinary people freely choose to reject God’s design for their lives and their nature, and instead choose their own path. Whenever we choose a path or lifestyle that is clearly contrary to scripture, we are rejecting God’s design and will for our life, thereby choosing eternal suffering in hell.
It may not seem fair to those who are confused about things, or to those who think that ‘love’ in any form is God’s will (let’s not forget that Satan chose to love himself more than God, and that Eve and Adam chose to love their choice to disobey God more than God’s one command). But God—as Creator of the universe and of you—does not need to explain Himself to anyone. Isaiah 29:16 and Romans 9:20 tell it like it is, and the Word is final, regardless if people accept it or not.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Psalms 19:9). ‘Fear not those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both body and soul in hell’ (Matthew 10:28).
We should not discriminate; after all, we are all sinners. But we should also not be afraid to declare sin as sin, as the bible tells us that every deed done in darkness shall be brought to light, and we are enlisted to call our brothers’ transgression to his knowledge, so that he might be led to repentance.
There is a reason scripture tells us to fear God. We should all be terrified of offending Him, as unrepentant offense against God is a wide path leading to destruction. Indeed, sin is so offensive in God’s eyes that He lets all who sin without repenting end up in hell. So stop insulting God, stop rejecting His design with lame excuses and blasphemous misconstruing of biblical verses. God’s Word is final. Don’t add to it and don’t remove verses you don’t like from it.

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