Sunday, October 25, 2015

Why Do Atheists Have a Problem with Believers?

It is understandable that Christians seek to change the worldview of atheists: concern for the eternal souls of atheists naturally spurs believers to try and save them from their destructive path. But why do atheists bother trying to convert believers? Why do they work so hard to convince the faithful that they are wrong?

It is illogical. They don’t believe in heaven or hell, so clearly atheists are not concerned with the salvation of our eternal souls. If they really think Christians are stupid for believing in God, then logic suggests they would prefer we keep on believing in our so-called delusions, because it edifies their ego’s, makes them feel intellectually superior. (And God knows atheists have huge egos; they’d have to in order to consider themselves smarter than God.)

The reason atheists work so hard to convince us that they are right and we are wrong is that they despise the Truth. Atheists absolutely hate God because they either: do not understand Him, or because they despise His rules. They are so arrogant as to think the world should function according to their parameters, rather than according to the design of a being that is in every way their superior. That’s right. God is superior to man, intellectually, dimensionally, chronologically, and just plain vastly in every other way. Atheists do not want to hear that. Atheists would rather run things according to their plans.

But the idea of man’s morality being the measure of righteousness in this world is not just absurd, it’s laughable. The idea of man’s intellect being the measure of supreme intelligence in the universe is not just ignorant, it’s actively stupid.

No matter how advanced mankind’s science becomes, we will never learn how to create something from nothing. That is God’s domain. That is God’s secret. And He’s not sharing that one. Let’s make a deal with the atheists. We’ll obey God’s Word and love them without preaching at them, if they’ll agree to stop shoving their God-hating agenda down our throats. They don’t believe as we do? Fine. But that’s no reason for them to hate or mock or persecute us.         

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