The Bible praises God's power. Psalm 145:4-7:
'One generation shall praise Your works to another, and shall declare Your mighty acts. I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your wondrous works. Men shall speak of the might of Your awesome acts, and I will declare Your greatness. They shall utter the memory of Your great goodness, and shall sing of Your righteousness.'
Modern culture praises man's power.
Best-selling 'inspirational Christian' books are filled with blasphemous quotes and statements. Their authors make bold claims that sound inspiring but in reality are straight up blasphemies. Just read this declaration by America's #1 pastor: 'I feel like God has gifted me to take Bible principles and make them practical'
'And make them practical'? This clearly implies that he thinks the Bible is no longer practical. Most of our teachers today are living under the heretical delusion that the Bible needs to be 'updated' to match the times. In fact, the times should be regulated by scripture. Read those 4 verses up top again, and then meditate on them. They praise God, they glorify His name.
That is how it should be, how God designed it to be. We praise Him, not ourselves.
With the immensely popular (and multi-billion dollar) self-improvement movement creeping into ever facet of life, and now into our churches, it is vital that we true believers turn to the Word and recall the proper viewpoint of a believer. Self-confidence is good. But faith in God is great, because it is right and proper and biblical and CHRISTIAN to praise God instead of praising man.
New Thought Blasphemy
New Thought replaces prayer with positive thinking. So, instead of turning to God, we are taught to trust in ourselves, or, at best, some vague power called the Universe. Look up Romans 2:6-8. Psalms 9:19-20, which finishes with this powerful eye-opener: 'Put them in fear, O Lord, that the nations may know themselves to be but men.'
It is God who has the real power, and the whole world is subject to His love--and wrath.
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