When I began this blog I thought I was being guided by the Spirit to write for God, to help further the Kingdom. I'd hoped to clarify some biblical misunderstandings. I thought, like a naive student, that God would therefore promote it.
Noble aspirations not withstanding, He hasn't helped, and neither has my family.
If they don't care, I'm starting to wonder why I bother. So this is a test of my faith; to push on despite neglect, to see if this is part of Gods will for me after all, according to Colossians 1:29 'I labor for this, striving with His strength that works powerfully in me.'
The Parable of the 10 Minas in Luke 19:11-27 revealed itself to me not long ago; I saw it and understood it really for the first time. In the parable, Jesus is the nobleman and we are the slaves. The minas represent the light or gifts He has given each of us according to His own measure. Now, the slaves who invested what He had given, represent believers who share the light He provides, basically multiplying that light of salvation. The slave who hid his mina is the believer who doesn't share his light--that is, the good news of the gospel. He represents those of us (like me, I often feel) who make a poor showing of their discipleship. Many are saved, but few go out and share their light with the world. In the parable, Jesus is asking 'What have you done with the light I gave you?'
What have we done with it? Have we kept it hidden under a bushel. making our salvation unfruitful? Matthew 5:15 commands us to 'Let your light so shine before men that they glorify God!'
Coinciding with this theme is the passage in 2 Peter 1:5-9. Supplementing our faith with goodness, knowledge, self-control, love, etc, so that we not become unfruitful or useless in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.'
I am guilty of this sin of salvation-neglect. At times I am filled with righteous boldness and break free of this wicked nature. Despite these wondrous moments, nothing changes. As far as I know God does not bless them. I am not strong like Job. I am not wise as Peter. I am the least of His disciples. I know hatred and hold resentment within. In neglecting the world and seeking God, I have learned solitude and have grown numb. I no longer even care enough to refrain from embracing the truth.
I have become sufficiently knowledgeable to know that I have much to learn and that the world is sadly lacking in Jesus-educated teachers. In striving to become one, I make myself a fool for Christ. Still, I'd rather be a fool for Christ than a dupe for Satan.
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