But seek ye first His Kingdom, and all these things shall be added unto you. Luke 12:31
Ever wonder just what the heck this verse means? How exactly do we seek the Kingdom? Firstly, by the preceding verses in Luke chapter 12, we see that by 'these things' God is referring to our food and clothing, our basic wants and needs. He is guiding us not to worry about how we will get these things, as worry produces nothing good. He is telling us that He will provide these things, that it is His pleasure to provide us these things, if only we will focus on Him instead of on 'them things'.
It is our duty and privilege to seek His Kingdom, which means to obey His word, do good works, love our neighbors.
Lately whenever I've prayed for guidance, all I've received in way of answer is the above verse. Frankly, it was getting annoying. But then, my 'neighbor' was in need of car repairs. Though poor and in need of food and clothing, I took my tithe money and my time and fixed his car. Suddenly a few days later, I receive two separate unexpected payments!
Luke 12:31 in action. Yeah boy! God is good, God is great. It can be scary to set aside our earthly concerns, but when we seek first His Kingdom, God will tend to our needs, better than we ever could.
Trust Him.
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