President Coolidge once said to a group of boy scouts: 'It is hard to see how a great man can be an atheist. We need to feel that behind us is intelligence and love.'
I would agree, and put it this way: 'I prefer to believe that intelligence and love are behind my creation.'
I cannot imagine what emptiness, what hopelessness there must be in the belief that your existence was brought about by some random meaningless 'big bang', that there is no greater purpose to your life than to consume resources and then die, returning to the oblivion. By God's grace we were created for a purpose, and by His grace we can fulfill this purpose, which was summed up by Jesus in Matthew 19:19 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' A command and purpose which includes lending aide, assistance, counsel, encouragement, donations, and all manner of helpful righteous acts.
How in the world can any decent, law abiding human being have issues with a belief and a religion that promotes such useful active love?
If a man chooses to believe he was not intelligently created, for a purpose, he will not fulfill any eternally useful purpose. This sounds harsh, but this is the place where hard truths are given. So deal with it and grow. If you want to feel like you are a 'little god' then go listen to Osteen.
Only by God's grace can we find and fulfill our design. So find it. So fulfill it.
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