11:18 and 24 – 25
Abraham trusted God that He would provide and that He would
be faithful to His promise. We show
that we trust God by obeying and praising Him. Obedience to scripture by
sharing Christ with others—this is how we trust God. We obey Him, trusting that
He will be faithful to His word and answer our prayers, in His good time and
His own way. While waiting on God, in trust, we are to live as the salt of the
earth, humble and giving (Matthew 5:13). Reach out to your fellow humans, bless strangers, study
scripture to know how to respond to the questions of unbelievers (Colossians 4:6), and above
all, share the joy you have that is freely provided by our God and King.
You may be a sibling, a parent, a hard-working employee or business owner; you may be rich or poor; you may lead a busy life, one filled with distractions and joys and heartaches, but you must be above all, a Christian.
The most important thing in this world is your relationship with God. It determines your eternity. If this relationship is broken or undeveloped, your relationships with the people in your life and with the strangers you meet will also always suffer. Your failure to put God first, to seek first His kingdom and righteousness, will prevent Him from using you and blessing your neighbors through you the way He wills.
On what do you place your daily priorities? Who or what comes first? How do you spend most of your time? Remember, a spirit of thanksgiving and praise to God can be employed even while you are working on earthly things. Keep your focus on Him and it will amaze you just how powerfully God will use you. First we study scripture to learn how to obey Him, and then we can put those principles to use. A life well-lived is one lived in obedience to God's commands. Know His love and joy, and share these things with everyone He puts in your life.
When you do this, you show you trust Him, and He will be faithful to His promises, which are many and wonderful. God Bless you