Sunday, October 25, 2015

Why Do Atheists Have a Problem with Believers?

It is understandable that Christians seek to change the worldview of atheists: concern for the eternal souls of atheists naturally spurs believers to try and save them from their destructive path. But why do atheists bother trying to convert believers? Why do they work so hard to convince the faithful that they are wrong?

It is illogical. They don’t believe in heaven or hell, so clearly atheists are not concerned with the salvation of our eternal souls. If they really think Christians are stupid for believing in God, then logic suggests they would prefer we keep on believing in our so-called delusions, because it edifies their ego’s, makes them feel intellectually superior. (And God knows atheists have huge egos; they’d have to in order to consider themselves smarter than God.)

The reason atheists work so hard to convince us that they are right and we are wrong is that they despise the Truth. Atheists absolutely hate God because they either: do not understand Him, or because they despise His rules. They are so arrogant as to think the world should function according to their parameters, rather than according to the design of a being that is in every way their superior. That’s right. God is superior to man, intellectually, dimensionally, chronologically, and just plain vastly in every other way. Atheists do not want to hear that. Atheists would rather run things according to their plans.

But the idea of man’s morality being the measure of righteousness in this world is not just absurd, it’s laughable. The idea of man’s intellect being the measure of supreme intelligence in the universe is not just ignorant, it’s actively stupid.

No matter how advanced mankind’s science becomes, we will never learn how to create something from nothing. That is God’s domain. That is God’s secret. And He’s not sharing that one. Let’s make a deal with the atheists. We’ll obey God’s Word and love them without preaching at them, if they’ll agree to stop shoving their God-hating agenda down our throats. They don’t believe as we do? Fine. But that’s no reason for them to hate or mock or persecute us.         

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Is God Impotent and/or Evil?

Author David Fiorazo makes a good point in his book The Cost of Our Silence. I am tired of being silent while so many atheists proudly proclaim their filth and drivel. I intend to be offensive to the sin nature, as Jesus was/is offensive, as the Cross is offensive to all who choose not to retain God in their knowledge.

Atheists claim that a God who (for example, as Sam Harris claims) could permit the death of nine million children every year is either impotent or evil. This claim is a favorite among unbelievers. And it betrays their arrogant ignorance.

Atheists perceive only two explanations BECAUSE, as human beings their intellectual capacity limits them to perceiving only two explanations. As the supreme intelligence in the universe, God alone knows why he permits these things. Even if he were to explain, we would likely not comprehend. God sees all time simultaneously: he knows what the effects will be of permitting some things and not permitting others. Unlike humans, God's understanding is not limited by time, intellect, or hatred. He—and he alone—understands the great question WHY. (We might add here that humans are to blame for most of our misery, that those who cannot even feed and water themselves are cruel to bring children into this world, but seem unwilling to accept this responsibility. Rather, they prefer to lay the blame at the feet of the One they do not believe in.)

The atheist might respond with: So the death of nine million children doesn’t bother you?

The believer responds with: Of course the death of nine million children bothers me. It is a tragedy. But it would bother me even more if I believed, as you do, that their existence was limited to a short time of struggle and misery here on earth. Unlike you, I believe that all those innocents are now enjoying paradise in heaven with God, who saved them from growing up, which inevitably includes the temptation to become like you and suffer the damnation that goes hand in hand with unbelief.

The fundamental problem here lies in the atheists' inability to grasp the seriously offensive nature of sin in Gods eyes. When we get right down to it, they simply refuse to believe that people can do anything evil enough to deserve eternal damnation.

I cannot help but wonder why atheists work so hard to discredit a God they don’t believe in. If he doesn't exist, then their theories should prove this. But if God does exist, then everything atheists say against him can be used as proof against their ignorance (or stubborn refusal to accept the truth that humans are not the supreme intelligence in the universe).

Atheists are dupes for Satan. They follow his path. Satan doesn't need people to worship him, he simply wants people to worship anything other than God. Atheists worship themselves.

Don't follow the broad path of least resistance, which leads to destruction. Turn to God. We may suffer persecution in this world for this decision, but a crown of righteousness awaits: 'For it is God's will that you, by doing good, silence the ignorance of foolish men (1 Peter 2:15).