Sunday, July 5, 2015

America is on a Dangerous Path

One could say America turned onto and first trod this road the day President Clinton defiled the White House. One sin begets another. His lust begat lies, his lies tolerance for wickedness, and so on. It continued with President Bush, and this journey America is on is being spearheaded today by our incumbent president, the man who seems intent on accelerating our destruction.
For years America has been trading off the greatness of the World War 2 generation. Seven decades have worn this greatness down to a nub, until today we find that countless nations around the world hate our once revered country.

It is no coincidence that this slow and steady decline of faith in America as the greatest nation on earth has coincided with the steady decline of morality and religious values on which this nation was founded. (And don’t bother arguing that Thomas Jefferson was an agnostic; even he lived by an unshakable ethical and moral code founded on Christian principles.) Contrary to his early claims of being a Christian, Obama clearly possesses no moral compass, but prefers to lend his support to whichever group happens to be in the majority at the moment, and has a proclivity for waving the flag of whichever assemblage might produce for him the most votes.

President Obama is, ironically, as misguided as was Jefferson Davis in his day. His principles lay with the highest bidder. Either he is intentionally sabotaging America or he is unspeakably, monumentally inept, making the wrong choices at every turn. He needs our prayers so that he might be led by God rather than by self-interest.

The attacks on this nation, the growing anti-American propaganda, the wars, all these terrible events will accelerate and worsen the more America strives to become a godless nation. We are systematically denigrating our religious values, shoving God out of school and public life while pushing for the tolerance of those acts which used to be committed only in the dark. If our government and its people continue seeking the outlawing of God Almighty, we will reap even worse consequences than those which trouble us now. In the Bible God gave the Israelites opportunities to repent. Whenever they chose stubborn disobedience to His Word, He let their enemies overtake them. I fear the same for my nation, a land I love—America the Beautiful.

Concerning anti-discrimination laws, our government needs to tread carefully.
Discrimination of any sort is both backwards and harmful; this includes anti-Christian sentiments! It is good that we Americans are seeking anti-discrimination, but if in doing so we trod over religious liberties, cultural advancement will go out the window. Likewise so-called ‘Religious Liberty’ bills are just as controversial. We must take care to make sure these bills do no authorize discrimination, just as we must work to prevent anti-discrimination laws from shoving Christians into a rock-and-a-hard-place, forcing them to choose to either follow their beliefs (and thereby invite lawsuits), or to compromise their faith in compliance with religious intolerance promoted via these anti-discrimination laws.

Let’s get specific: The pastor of a Christian church is asked to perform a gay wedding. Adhering to God’s view that homosexuality is a sin in His eyes as it is contrary to His design, the pastor says he is not comfortable with performing the marriage and refuses to do it. The gay couple sues. Following the current social agenda and the popularity contest that our judicial system is fast becoming, the gay couple wins. The pastor loses his position. Another pastor is brought in to the church, one who will perform marriages of any type, because, after all, making concessions in one’s faith is what the church is all about in this the age of tolerance for sin. Whatever brings in the numbers.

In the obverse we have a so-called Christian owner of a diner (re: Indiana Religious Freedom Bill) who turns away a lesbian couple, citing the bill. This is intolerance and displays an arrogance not advocated by the Bible. It is false Christians like the bigoted diner owner who give Christianity and religious freedom a bad name. Religious freedom bills should exist to protect believers from being forced to jeopardize their faith, not to empower them to endorse discrimination.

A balance between the two sides can be met, but not by bigots, racists, God-haters, or religious hypocrites.

We need a better class of leadership in this nation. We need men and women of unshakable faith if we ever hope to enact this decisive balance. We should invite the LGBT community into our places of business, we should hire them, bring them to church, but if we feel it would displease God to honor their lifestyle by marrying them, then we should not be forced to choose between God’s will and man’s. After all, as our Creator, it is God’s right to decide what is pleasing to Him, and what is detestable (Leviticus 18:22). I know of many straight couples who were forced to choose a different church and pastor to marry them due to various reasons. It upset them, but they didn’t sue anyone over it. Why start a war over a disagreement, when a peaceful resolution can be found by those who honor God above man?

This dangerous path America is currently on can only lead to civil unrest, or worse, to a Godless nation. We must pray. We must live as good examples. We must voice our concerns and support those who support a God-fearing America. (It is right and good that we should love and fear Him; He is both Creator and Destroyer. Let us not provoke the latter.)

Consider this: without God, who will there be to bless America?